orlijunkie wrote in
Aug 02, 2009 08:31
Would you guys give me your fav sweet, funny, romantic, light first time or established slash fics, maybe not so familiar to 852? Need to lighten up! I know you guys have endless suggestions? Anything is appreciated ;-)
sex: sweet and slow,
theme: humor,
theme: established relationship,
theme: romantic,
theme: first time,
category: slash
karieflybabe wrote in
Nov 13, 2006 10:33
I need something extra special... How about you gals giving me your favorite, knock-your-socks-off, come-in-your-panties, detail-is-a-plus, fic?
I'm not all that picky about bottoms or tops. I like my boys in both positions. Kink or Romantic, it's all good. I just need something that makes me sigh, shudder, and whimper.
pairing: jim/blair,
sex: sweet and slow,
sex: hot,
category: slash